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The Animus Project Update 1.0 included a new game mode and new map. The game mode, Advanced Alliance, is a version of the Alliance mode, with target identification and engagement more difficult than in the original, thus providing a more challenging experience for players. With three teams of two players each, Advanced Alliance is a tougher test for players and rewards teams that work together.
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The Da Vinci Disappearance, available March 8, 2011 on Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network, features new content for both single player and multiplayer modes.For the single player game, this downloadable content includes 8 new missions, 2 new locations, and 10 achievements/trophies. The multiplayer content includes two new game modes, new map and four new characters.The PC version includes DLC for free (it must be activated through Uplay) along with both Animus Project Updates. In March, the "Da Vinci Edition" of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, was released for consoles.
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Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood has been very well-received by critics. Aggregating review websites GameRankings and Metacritic gave the Xbox 360 version 90.59% and 89/100,the PlayStation 3 version 90.06% and 90/100,and the PC version 88.40% and 88/100/ It won best Action Adventure game in the Spike TV Video Game Awards 2010[44] The game has also been nominated for 7 British Academy Video Games Awards in 2011, including Best Game. It won an award in the Action category, losing to Mass Effect 2 in the category for Best Game.
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After that attack, the squadron, based in the Crimea, carried out a tactical attack on a bridge over the river Dnieper at Zaporozhe, which had been captured by advancing German troops.[8] Later in World War II, the Luftwaffe experimented with the Messerschmitt Me 328 as a parasite fighter, but problems with its pulsejet engines could not be overcome.Other late-war rocket-powered parasite fighter projects such as the Arado E.381 and Sombold So 344 were unrealized "paper projects
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Production quickly ran into problems. Although tooling commonality with the Thunderjet was supposed to be 55 percent, in reality only 15 percent of tools could be reused.To make matters worse, the F-84F utilized press-forged wing spars and ribs. At the time, only three presses in the United States could manufacture these, and priority was given to the Boeing B-47 Stratojet bomber over the F-84. The YJ65-W-1 engine was considered obsolete and the improved J65-W-3 did not become available until 1954.
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In Autumn (Fall) 2008, with the introduction of the Jasper motherboard revision, the memory unit was removed from the package and replaced with an 256 MB internal memory chip.[68] This was later upgraded to a 512 MB chip in Summer 2009.[69] Holiday 2008 consoles were bundled with Sega Superstars Tennis.[57] With the price cuts on September 4, 2008, the Arcade fell from US$279 to US$199 in the US.[58] In the UK, with the 2009 Elite price drop and discontinuation of the "Premium" Pro SKU, the Arcade price rose from GB£129.99 to GB£159.99
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The aircraft were retired from active service in 1964. Stress corrosion forced retirement of ANG F-84Fs in 1971. In what is probably one of the very few air-to-air engagements involving the F-84F, two Turkish Air Force F-84F Thunderstreaks shot down two Iraqi Il-28 Beagle bombers that crossed the Turkish border by mistake during a bombing operation against Iraqi Kurdish insurgents. This engagement took place on 16 August 1962.
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Before the Normandy landings in June 1944, pilots of the Michigan National Guard's 107th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron were flying photographic missions in preparation for D-Day. The squadron's pilots flew 384 missions to perform the dangerous task of photographically mapping the French coast before D-Day. Miraculously, only one aircraft was shot down from December 1943 to June 1944. Lt. Donald E. Colton was killed in action in the vicinity of Rouen, France, on 9 May 1944. For its efforts during this period, the 107th received the Presidential Unit Citation.
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The consoles were to be given out to winners of drawings taking place between July 18, 2007 and July 27, 2007, in which a name was randomly drawn each day in the "10 Days and 10 Chances to Win" sweepstakes.[96] 100 consoles were produced in total.A Resident Evil 5 bundle containing a red Xbox 360 Elite console was released on March 13, 2009. The bundle also contains a red, wireless controller and a black, wired headset.
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Very few examples have been sold off from original team member's collection. Larry Hryb, better known as "Major Nelson", is known to own one which he displays pictures of on his website having been a member of the Launch Team. The special edition Launch Team console, hard drive, controller and the special faceplate were never sold in stores or meant for the general public. It is unknown as of now how many of these very rare consoles exist today.
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Ten truckloads of bridge defenders were taken to jail and an estimated 500 people were arrested in the city. Seventeen of the 47 professors at Hue University, who had resigned earlier in the week in protest against the dismissal of the rector Cao Van Luan,a Catholic priest and opponent of Diem's brother Archbishop Thuc were also arrested.The raids were repeated in cities and towns across the country. The total number of dead and disappeared was never confirmed, but estimates test range up to several hundred. At least 1,400 were arrested.
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Blue Dragon is one of three Xbox 360 games to surpass 200,000 units in Japan, along with Tales of Vesperia and Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Mistwalker's second game, Lost Odyssey also sold over 100,000 copies.The 2007 Game Critics Awards honored the Xbox 360 platform with 38 Nominations and 11 Wins.By March 2008, the Xbox 360 had reached a software attach rate of 7.5 games per console—a record for any console in history, in EU the rate was 7.0 while its competitors were 3.8 (PS3) and 3.5 (Wii).
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